
1. Introduction

Do your customers often pose identical questions about specific products, leaving you exhausted from repeating the same answers repeatedly? Worry no more! Our Product FAQ module enables you to effortlessly display frequently asked questions directly within your product description tab.

Key Benefits:

Harness the power of the integrated search feature, allowing your valued customers to easily access a repository of frequently asked questions before reaching out to your support team. Experience the benefits of a Product FAQ module.

2. Installation

<aside> <img src="/icons/report_red.svg" alt="/icons/report_red.svg" width="40px" /> Prerequisites You must have the necessary permissions to upload / install extensions.

For Paid extensions, do obtain your license key from ****


OpenCart Cloud

OpenCart 2, 3 & 4

3. Configurations

Setting Usage
Status Determines the status of the extension
Show Category Sidebar Enable/Disable displaying of categories for your Product FAQ
Configure FAQs Refer to Configure FAQs table
Configure Categories Refer to Configure Categories table

Configure FAQs Table

Setting Usage
Status Determines the status of the Product FAQ
Default When enabled, this Product FAQ will be applied to all products. When creating a new product, that product will also be assigned this product FAQ
Category Determines the category that the Product FAQ belongs to
Sort Order Determines the order of the Product FAQ
Name The name given to the Product FAQ (For internal use only)
Question The question of your Product FAQ
Answer The answer of your Product FAQ

Configure Categories Table

Setting Usage
Status Determines the status of the Product FAQ Category
Sort Order Determines the order of the Product FAQ Category
Name The name of the category

4. Usage

When accessing the module, you will be presented with the following settings

Product FAQ home page

Product FAQ home page

4.1 Show Categories Sidebar

4.2 Configure Categories

4.3 Q&A

4.4 Assigning Q&A to Products

5. Change Log

Version 1.0.1 (25/08/2023)

Version 1.0.0 (19/08/2023)

Table of Contents